In Palm Meadows, every evening around 6:30 or 7:00, mosquito control begins. This involves a man on a bicycle equipped with a fogging contraption, riding all around the neighborhood, emitting toxic gases to minimize mosquitos. When the familiar buzzing sound is heard, our family quickly goes inside the house (where Menaka, our nanny, has already closed all windows and doors). Zach loves to watch the man ride down our street, and announces excitedly and very seriously, "Mommy, fogger coming, the fogger coming!!" Sometimes, it's an easy way to get the kids in the house if they're still playing outside, but usually we're already eating dinner or playing inside.
the view down our street, with women walking, and the fogger approaching

the fogger!
the view down our street, with women walking, and the fogger approaching

the fogger!

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