Let me be the first to wish you a Happy Halloween on October 31st!Well, it is already here, so that has to count :)
The girls are off to school, Brian is off to work, I've made mymorning round of the neighborhood with Zach in the stroller, and it isgoing to be one BUSY day! I have Zach's brief attention held by sometoys in this room, and the door is closed, or he'd be an escapeartist...
Today, I have a bunch of errands to run, which I can't startunfortunately until the stores open at 10. Also at that time, ourmaid and cook are coming early today, in preparation for us being gonefor a week. So I need to come up with a complete list of things theyneed to do today. I won't be around hardly at all, with errands, andhelping with Ella's party at school. The nanny is coming early todayto watch Zach while I go paint some scary faces (or some kind anyway)on the kids in Ella's class as they get ready for their Halloweenparty.
Today is also payday, so I need to scare up many thousands of rupeesfor everyone, including a bonus for the big holiday coming up. Afterschool, the kids will get cleaned up, fed snacks, and ready fortrick-or-treating here in Palm Meadows.
Then, perhaps after Tinkerbelle and Cinderellla and our Jr.Firefighter are all tired out from their adventures and are in bedsleeping, I have to get going on the packing for our beach trip! Say,noone has made any guesses as to where we are going! :) Sacia andElla now know where we're going and can even find it on the map.Here's a clue- it starts with M, and no, it's not Maldives, orMadagascar, but that's a close one! :)
Yesterday, we had conferences with Ella and Sacia's teachers, and itwent so very well. It was great to get super feedback about bothgirls and to see what kind of work theyr'e doing at school. The girlsand Zach were along, but in the hallway most of the time as we talkedwith the teachers, but the girls were feeling very proud.
It's been cooler and rainy here lately, reminds me of home, buteverything is still lush green, and not THAT cool!
We may be out of touch while on our trip, I'm not entirely sure.
Happy Halloween-eve there!
Lots of love,
Heather, Brian, Cinderella, Tinkerbelle, and Jr. Firefighter
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