Thursday, August 28, 2008

Family picture day!

My birthday was a multi-event day this year. Yes, we celebrated me turning the big "33", but also 2 other big events: Nathan and Amanda brought baby Ryla to her first Meyer get-together; and we once again said our good-bye's to my sister, who headed back home to China! Lots of pictures were taken, including this cool one Brian planned out in my Dad's gladiolas.

Meyer's in the gladiolas

the Meyer sisters

the Vanderpool's

Nathan and Amanda, proud parents to Ryla
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Locks of Love

Ella had been begging for months to get her hair cut short, but still very often she'd change her mind and not want her hair cut EVER again! We missed the benefit of having short hair during the summer in India (where Ella's thick hair didn't help keep her cool). Sacia had been growing her bangs out since moving to India, and now they were long enough to join the rest of her hair. So I gave in to their desire (and mine?! --that was total spur of the moment decision, going after a Gywneth picture in a magazine) for short hair, and we have 3 sets of braids to donate now to Locks of Love! See if you can match the set to the owner?! :)

Sacia's new 'do'

Ella wanted to match Kitt, the American girl doll she wants

10 inches gone from Heather's hair

Can you guess which braids came from who?!
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Monday, August 18, 2008

Welcome to the world, Ryla!

My brother, Nathan, and his wife, Amanda welcomed little baby Ryla into the world on Friday, August 15th! Congratulations to them! How their lives will change....!!! We now have 1 niece and 1 nephew, and thankfully are very near to both of them. The kids are very excited, and enjoyed getting to meet and hold her at the hospital on Saturday. Ryla is beautiful, with a full head of dark hair! Here are some pictures I took pre-baby, and 1 of Ryla.

baby surrounded by LOVE!

Nathan and Amanda

"What's that, you say?!"

Ryla Meyer, born 8/15/08
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

IBM Day at the County Fair

On Friday, August 1st, our family went to the Olmsted County Fair in Rochester for IBM day at the Fair. We enjoyed greasy and sweet fair food, and the kids got the most out of their arm bands, riding on lots of rides. You may notice there is some hair missing too, from certain Bangalore (Byron) blondes... That's another blog in itself! Ella bravely went on almost all the rides, including upside-down and fast, crazy ones that I wouldn't dare these days... We met up with Max, Mitchell, and Melissa, and saw some clean, fuzzy-eared animals among other things. Here are some pictures for you all!

Brian and Zach watch as Ella and Sacia whip around corners on the ride in the next photo.

Sacia and Ella should have switched places... Poor Sacia!!!

Sacia, Ella, and Jana bravely ride the Cliff Hanger!

Ella and Sacia enjoying a slower car-ride
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Oat Harvest: Zach the farmer

The kids enjoyed a day at Grandma and Grandpa's. The highlight was a ride in the combine with Uncle Nathan, harvesting oats.

farmer Zach

Zach and Ella riding with Uncle Nathan in the combine

Zach drives the old tractor

reflection of Zach in the 1950's Ford truck