Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Packing up Villa 212

Our last trip to Bangalore was a whirlwind of activities, mostly involving getting our home packed up and, when the packers were gone for the day, having good times with friends there. The following pictures show some of the chaos, but believe me, there was much more than what this shows. For 3 days (that is after the many days of organizing on our part), we watched the packers box up our life, until what remained were 2 large rooms filled with stacked boxes. Then we watched everything get loaded into 2 trucks, which would eventually go to a container to be shipped by sea, and one small shipment by air. (Now my bigger job here in MN is to ready our home for all these things... just looking at the last 2 pictures helps to motivate me for that! Most of these things didn't come from our house in MN, but were purchased in India!)

It's hard to put into words how it felt watching our house being emptied after a year filled with great memories in that amazing place, but I hope that the contents of the boxes (not to mention our 23,000 pictures!!!) will help to hold those memories dear, 8,000 miles away... Leaving the house totally empty, locking the door for the last time, saying good-byes to wonderful friends, and driving out of Palm Meadows one final time was heart-breaking for me, knowing that we had reached the end of our once-in-a-lifetime experience.

the packers beginning to box everything up in the livingroom

the packers lined up for a photo at the end of day #2

what used to be the dining room

the livingroom stack
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Monday, November 10, 2008

A day of London Sights

Brian and I finally made it back to India to pack up our house and wrap everything up with the international assignment. All went well, and I'll blog more about that later, but I wanted to add a few pictures from our day of sight-seeing in London. We stayed with friends that we had met in Bangalore, and enjoyed seeing both the countryside around London and the main sights within the city. Now we are back home, with our life abroad only a memory now...

Heather and Brian inside the London Eye

Heather with the Thames River and Big Ben in the background

Heather on the bridge looking back at the London Eye

Brian standing in front of the Tower Bridge (which we learned isn't the actual London Bridge)
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Friday, October 17, 2008

Autumn Byron Blondes

Ahh, the coolness and colors of fall!!! As frustrating as all of our visa problems have been over the past few weeks, I have been thankful to be able to experience the best of the season because of it! The last time we got to experience a beautiful Minnesota fall, Ella was just 6 years, Sacia was 3, and little Zach was just 8 months old. We are totally loving the change of season that brings such beauty to the world! We've enjoyed many walks in the woods, raking leaves and jumping into the piles, all despite the fact that Brian and I are supposed to be in India!!! (more on that in another blog, once the saga has resolved!)
MEA weekend is here, with 3 school days off. The kids have been sleeping in (if just after 7 a.m. counts for that?!!), and yesterday we enjoyed a day at the farm. Soybean harvest is coming to an end, but we caught some combine rides with my dad and Andrew. Zach and I rode with my dad, but he slept half of the time (Zach that is!)! The girls got to ride with Andrew, and waved to us every time they were in our view. The kids all enjoyed playing with their cousin Erik, and even got a visit in with baby Ryla and Amanda. It was a beautiful, sunny, colorful fall day, and I'm very thankful for this season and my family!

the kids on a walk in the woods, see the cat on Zach's head!

Ella, Sacia, and Zach hamming it up

What wonderful sisterly love!

Zach in the leaves
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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Leaf Reflection

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Zach and Claws

Here are some more pictures from our walk in the woods today. Zach decided he'd try out his ride on the bumpy trails, and our new outdoor cat, Claws, joined us. Claws even tried to stalk the turkeys, but a mouse distracted him from the large birds somehow. Zach is a little ham, don't you think?! Claws is very similar looking to our long-time indoor kitty, Moo Moo, but she's got black marks on her white, and Claws has orange markings. So far, Claws has been doing his job well. I found a dead mole in the garage that he was working on. Now if only he could get the rest of that mole's family -- they're making a terrible mess of my lawn, though they think they're being nice and aerating for me...!

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Colorful Leaves

The beauty of fall is taking over! I spent several hours outside with Zach today, taking pictures of the colors. We came across a group of wild turkeys in the woods, with their colorful heads being backlit by the sunshine. I wish there had been more of these vivid colors that are displayed in the following pictures, but our maples are young and few.

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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Enjoying Fall in Minnesota

The weather is changing, and after living in summer-like weather for the past 18 months, I'm loving it! To be able to wear jeans and long sleeves and enjoy cool breezes, the leaves changing colors, and occasionally turn on the fireplace (or have Brian build his grand fires downstairs in the REAL fireplace). Those are things I've been enjoying. Also, getting to spend one-on-one time with my Zachy, at home, where there's plenty for a little boy to do, is GREAT! Well, unless he refuses to nap, and is just crabby-tired! Sacia is home every other day, so Zach enjoys playing with her on those days. She is growing up too!

Zach is now wearing big-boy pull-ups and keeping them dry 90% of the time! I'm so proud! He loves driving his 'vehicles', which include a John Deere gator and a kids' 4-wheeler that we picked up CHEAP at a yard sale a month back. And we have an outdoor cat now, who will hopefully help curb any mice or chipmunk-in-the-garage problems we may have.

Brian and I are preparing for our pack-up trip to Bangalore, and are pretty excited about it! More on that later...

a cool hammock picture... I think of relaxing in the hammock at Cicada, Kabini whenever I sit in it!

a nice Zachy-smile

my happy little dreamer

Brian built this huge sandbox, right outside my kitchen window, and the kids love it! It's almost complete, needs seats on the corners.
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Monday, September 29, 2008

Our Niece's Baptism

Last Sunday, our niece, Ryla, was baptized. Our family went to my home church in Potsdam (1/4 mile long tiny town outside of Rochester) for the special day, then out to Nathan and Amanda's home for a nice meal and get-together. The girls (and all of us!) just adore Ryla, and what's not to adore?! She's a doll, beautiful and sweet! It's fun to see my brother and his wife as parents, with so much fun ahead of them! The Meyer cousins are growing in size and number, making family get-togethers more and more interesting all the time!

the Meyer grandchildren/cousins: Erik, Zach, Ella, Ryla, Sacia

the sleeping angel

the Meyer family (missing Katrina)

big helper and cousin Ella
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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Back to School!

The school year is in full swing in Byron, Minnesota. Ella has now started 3rd grade, with many old and some new friends, and Sacia is a Kindergartener! The girls both are very excited about school, and are loving it! It's a very different year and group of people from last year at Indus! We very much miss everyone back in India, but are also so happy to be home with family and friends here. Here are some photos from some school days...

Ella and Sacia climb aboard bus #9 with Chuck, their wonderful bus driver!

Ella's first day of school

The girls running down the driveway to go catch the bus

...posing for a picture on Sacia's first day of Kindergarten
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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ella is "8"!!! Happy Birthday, Ella-gator!

We celebrated Ella's 8th birthday, almost non-stop for 3 days last week! Her big day was the 27th, then her friend camp-out slumber party was the 28th, and our Meyer family party was the following day. Cake, cake, and more cake and ice cream!!! We've definitely had our fill this August! It's our big month for birthdays in my family!

Anyway, we're very proud of Ella, as she is growing up into a bright and sweet, caring young girl. She started 3rd grade on Monday, and is enjoying seeing all of her friends from Byron, after missing them when we spent her 2nd grade in India. She has a great teacher, and is glad to see her bus driver, Chuck, again as well! Sacia will join her this week Monday for her first day of Kindergarten!

Ella thinking of her birthday wish...

She got the American girl doll she's been wanting, Kit.

a line-up of glowing friends at her party

Ella helping with her cousin Erik at the Meyers' Seeds 100 year celebration

Happy 8th, Ella! We love you!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Family picture day!

My birthday was a multi-event day this year. Yes, we celebrated me turning the big "33", but also 2 other big events: Nathan and Amanda brought baby Ryla to her first Meyer get-together; and we once again said our good-bye's to my sister, who headed back home to China! Lots of pictures were taken, including this cool one Brian planned out in my Dad's gladiolas.

Meyer's in the gladiolas

the Meyer sisters

the Vanderpool's

Nathan and Amanda, proud parents to Ryla
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